
Hi! My name is Sara. Welcome to Share Dessert Company!

I love to make desserts if you couldn't tell. My passion for dessert making started about a year ago...
My great-grandmother made the best english toffee ever. Memory lane takes me back to a time when she had bowls and bowls of toffee set out at her annual Christmas party and I would always try to sneak more. I watched her make it only once....when I was 9 and not really into cooking or baking at all.
Fast forward 18 years... My great-grandma had died without anyone having the recipe. She never wrote it down because that's what great-grandmas do when there is a recipe as sacred as this one. I set out on a quest to figure out the recipe. I conducted a series of tests.... and trust me, there are a LOT of ways to make english toffee. I finally figured it out... and that's when I knew that I loved this stuff! Not the toffee... (even though it was dang good)... I loved the making of treats. The creation of something so delicious and beautiful from ingredients so plain and simple.
I next realized that the only thing better than making it, was sharing it.

My Goal: To help you make and share amazing treats with others and see their faces light up like I do.
I will do this by providing you with the information that I have learned the hard way and through lots of research. I will discuss product information, techniques, give you ideas and provide you with the knowledge necessary to make successful treats every time (...er... at least most of the time!). If there is anything that I can do to help you make successful treats please email me and let me know so I can continue to increase the amount of useful, rich content on my site. I would really appreciate it! :D

A little bit about me outside the land of milk and honey....I have been married to my wonderful husband, Ben, since 2002 and we have 2 dogs,  a rottweiler (named Lady) and a boxer (named Izzy), as well as 2 horses (Ginger and Belle) that are currently vacationing in California. We reside in the lovely mountains of Centerville, Utah. I am a pharmacist in a hospital so my natural instincts force me to research and figure out how everything works. I think it helps me to make deliciousness and figure out what goes wrong with certain recipes.
...and if you haven't noticed by some of my posts, I have a weird side to me. Maybe it's multiple personalities, but hey, I think that's what makes life fun.

Bake. Share. Enjoy.