Service Opportunities

When I was a very little girl I heard a saying that stuck in my mind forever. 
"If everyone did what you did, would the world be a better place?"
Wow. Even as a small child that phrase struck me. Maybe because it really is that simple.
I hear my self subconsciously thinking this every time I have a decision to make, even now.

Remember, if we all donated just 1 item or just $1, that would make a HUGE impact.
Here are ways that YOU can Share the Love and help make a difference.
  • See our Current Project HERE
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah
    • They are a donor and volunteer organization proven to help children succeed through one to one relationships using positive adult role models and strong trusting friendships from different types of programs. Visit for more information.
    •  Biggest need right now: small household items and usable clothing (all types and sizes)!
    • Also donate housewares and glassware, shoes (all kinds), bedding items (no mattresses), clothing accessories, draperies and curtains, working small appliances, toys
    • Currently, there are bins located at Dick's Market in Centerville and Pages Lane (Utah).
    • Visit for more drop off locations or you can schedule a pick-up by calling  1(800) 238-8061. They will pick it up rain or shine!
  • Utah Food Bank
    • Needs:
      • Food donations: Non-perishable items
      • Volunteers for food sorting, cooking, food box delivery

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